«Africa» Series

“Africa” Anti-Age Series is specifically developed to provide the best care for mature oily and combination skin. Creams and serums halt aging processes and easily combat early signs of wilting, ensure a pronounced lifting effect, rendering skin firmer and denser, regenerate cells. The sunny continent’s traditional avocado, mango and moringa form an unparalleled ensemble with powerful antiaging active complexes, formulated due to the latest discoveries and
innovations of modern cosmetology.
Scorching passion, exhilarating adventures and lush exotic nature - Africa is a radiating fusion of beauty, health and youthfulness.

Call us:
+38 (044) 227-71-18
Visit us:
Monday thru Friday:
09:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Our address:
Office 6, 5th floor, 6,
Patorzhynskoho Street, Kyiv